
Places still available for Visual Arts After School Program

28 February 2020
Places still available for Visual Arts After School Program

Have you ever wondered at artworks and wished you can create one of your own? Or would you like to decorate your home with your own artwork?

Our ASC Art & Technology Department is running after school classes since mid-February to encourage parents and members of the community to explore creative ideas and create artworks ranging from pottery, mosaic work and painting! This programme will be running throughout the school terms.

The programme is conducted by our wonderful art teacher Ms Stamatia Spiliotis.A minimal payment of $70 per participant is applied to cover the course of materials for the program.

If you are interested in signing up for the after-school programme, please fill up the attached form and return it to the office with payment. More information will be provided once the application forms have been received.

Classes continue to run on Mondays and Wednesdays.

We look forward to seeing you at our Visual Arts After School Programme.