
Muslim Brothers Swimming at Mill Park Leisure

13 May 2024
Muslim Brothers Swimming at Mill Park Leisure

Muslim Brothers Swimming returns to Mill Park Leisure every Saturday evening from 6pm. Imagine swimming in the warm pool, or relaxing in the sauna, or talking with friends in the spa, or boys playing in the hydro pool.

Please support this initiative from Whittlesea Somali Community, to help keep it successful & sustainable for our community, inShaAllah. For more information, contact Br Yusuf on 0481 783 843.

Date & Time:

  • Every Saturday evenings
  • Time: 6pm 鈥 8pm
  • Address: Mill Park Leisure, 33 Morang Dr, Mill Park VIC 3082.


  • Under 3yrs: Free
  • Under 16yrs is $5.90
  • Over 16yrs $10.05


  • 鈦燛ntry closes promptly at 6.30pm (no entry after 6.30pm)
  • 鈦燙hildren under 10yrs must be actively supervised by parent or guardian.
  • 鈦燦o glass containers or plastic wraps in the pool hall.
  • 鈦燘ring towel for sauna hygiene.
  • 鈦燤odest swimwear.
  • 鈦燘ring a prayer mat.