Ladies Essentials of Islam URDU Program

28 January 2025

The Ladies Islam Essentials program by Nur Ul Ilm is running in 2025. This program is only available in Urdu and facilitated by Alimah Hareem Jaffar.

Ladies Essentials of Islam URDU Program

The Essentials of Islam Program includes:

  • Qur'an Tafseer
  • Hadith
  • Jurisprudence
  • Seerah
  • Self Development;

The program will run on Mondays and Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm in Room D4, commencing on Thursday, 30th January at 1pm.

Please sign in at the guard house at the front gate or in the office before each session. Unfortunately there are no child-minding services on site during this program for mums with small children.

For any enquiries, please contact Alimah Hareem on 0451767699 or email