Mini Hajj Simulation

22 June 2023

To re-enact the Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), our Primary School students took part in the mini Hajj simulation coordinated by the Islamic Studies and Arabic Department.

Mini Hajj Simulation

Our students learnt about the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the rituals of Hajj as part of their studies. Many came dressed up in their Hajj clothes, some even wearing Ihram. Students and staff enjoyed a Hajj nasheed, role play and also had an opportunity to drink Zamzam water.

On behalf of our Islamic Studies and Arabic Department, we would like to wish everyone blessed ten days of Dhul Hijjah and happy and healthy Eid Al-Adha celebrations ahead for the coming week, inShaAllah.

Mini Hajj Simulation

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  • Mehanaz Ali Islamic Studies Mehanaz Ali

    Mehanaz Ali

    Mehanaz Ali

    Islamic Studies

  • Rim Abbouchy Head of Arabic Rim Abbouchy

    Rim Abbouchy

    Rim Abbouchy

    Head of Arabic