
麻豆传媒 news

Primary School news – 285 stories

  • Year 5G: Melbourne Zoo Excursion

    1 June 2023

    Our Year 5 girls had the pleasure of attending the Melbourne Zoo on Monday, 29 May 2023. They explored different trails seeing animals from all over the world and were prompted to notice different structural and behavioural adaptations which help the animals to survive. The students also got to touch and examine different artefacts and… Read more

    Year 5G: Melbourne Zoo Excursion
  • World Mental Health Day in Primary

    24 May 2023

    Our Primary Student Support Department team supported the awareness and advocacy of World Infant Child and Adolescent Mental Health Day which is commemorated each year on 23rd May. Some of the highlights on Tuesday included: - Foundation and Year 1 students were invited to participate in a colouring competition. The Primary SSD will be… Read more

    World Mental Health Day in Primary
  • Year 5 Poetry Workshop

    18 May 2023

    All of our Year 5 boys and girls participated in a poetry workshop held yesterday inside the Musalla, facilitated by guest speaker Sr Rania Ahmed who is a qualified counsellor. The central topic of the workshop was "Who am I?", inviting our students to reflect on their identity and qualities, as well as who Allah swt tells us who we are… Read more

    Year 5 Poetry Workshop
  • Year 2 Science Incursion: Earth 鈥 Our Blue Marble

    17 May 2023

    The Year 2 students had the opportunity to learn about how Planet Earth is ideal for supporting life within the Solar System with its temperature, atmosphere and water cycle. Our students participated in hands-on activities as part of their incursion when they learned about how planets rotate and orbit, measuring temperature using… Read more

    Year 2 Science Incursion: Earth 鈥 Our Blue Marble
  • Ramadan Challenge Achievement Celebration

    5 May 2023

    As an Australian school in the Islamic tradition where we hold our religion, values and manners akhlaq most dear, it was amazing to see just how many students from Foundation to Year 6 exerted so much effort in their Ramadan Challenge this year. Not only was a winning class from each Primary year level celebrated, individual students were… Read more

    Ramadan Challenge Achievement Celebration
  • Ramadan Challenge in Foundation

    4 May 2023

    MashaAllah, our Foundation students were up for the Ramadan Challenge to receive and spread the blessings of Ramadan. They were able to multiply the blessings for this Ramadan month with these fun and rewarding good deed challenges. Just look at the amazing photos. Each day revealed a new spiritual activity that allowed students to… Read more

    Ramadan Challenge in Foundation
  • Primary in-class Eid celebrations

    28 April 2023

    As part of infusing Islam in teaching and learning, and day to day interactions, our Primary students were treated to some in-class Eid celebrations this week where students and staff brought in sweets, fruits and desserts from home to share with each other in class. Our students' beaming faces show their joy and excitement about this… Read more

    Primary in-class Eid celebrations
  • Equestrian Lessons for Year 5 students from Term 2

    24 April 2023

    Great news for all of our Year 5 students: Commencing in Term 2, students will be taking horse riding lessons during their school day. The new program will replace students' regular PE lessons and Co-Curricular session for the duration of one term per year. Experienced Equestrian Coach Ms Adrienne McMahon will continue to guide both… Read more

    Equestrian Lessons for Year 5 students from Term 2
  • Years 3 鈥 6 Values Assembly with Special Guests

    31 March 2023

    As we near the end of Term 1, 麻豆传媒 hosted a Special Values Assembly for our Primary students in Years 3 鈥 6 who have demonstrated exemplary values and akhlaak. Ms Inas was the MC. The very moving opening recitation of the Qur'an was performed by Harith from Year 4 Hifz. Mr Elbotaty, our Head of Primary, did the acknowledgment of… Read more

    Years 3 鈥 6 Values Assembly with Special Guests
  • Welcome Ramadan Packs

    24 March 2023

    Ramadan Mubarak on this first blessed Jummah of the sacred month! May Allah SWT accept our fasts and ibadah. Alhumdulillah, our Islamic Studies Department along with the help of our wonderful Teacher Assistants were able to organise Ramadan packs for all of our Primary students. Each pack contains a good deed card, 3 dates and a Ramadan… Read more

    Welcome Ramadan Packs
  • Primary School Welcomes Ramadan

    23 March 2023

    There is a special buzz in the Primary Building upon the arrival of our most noble and honoured guest Ramadan: Our Primary buildings are beautifully decorated and definitely have the 鈥楻amadan Vibe: Students in various classes can be heard practicing their du'as, listening to Ramadan stories, discussing how they can benefit others during… Read more

    Primary School Welcomes Ramadan
  • Primary Students Earthquake Appeal Fundraiser

    22 March 2023

    Our Year 4-6 Primary students volunteered their time and effort to create a fundraiser for the victims of the Turkey, Syria & Lebanon earthquakes. The students sacrificed from their lunch and break times to plan for the event. On the day of our annual Sports Carnival, students from Years 4-6 sold popcorn, lemonade, ice-blocks, Islamic… Read more

    Primary Students Earthquake Appeal Fundraiser
  • Primary Library Program Relaunch

    16 March 2023

    We are happy to announce the relaunch of our Primary recess and lunch time Library Program. Over the past 6 weeks, we have been able to monitor and collect feedback from both students and staff on what would work best in this program. Primary students now have access to a huge range of books they can use that have been placed on a… Read more

    Primary Library Program Relaunch
  • Year 3 Camp: School Sleepover

    16 March 2023

    Our wonderful Year 3 students had the opportunity to spend the night sleeping at school on Thursday, 9 March 2023. There were some tears as parents dropped off the children, but the students were all full of smiles and giggles. Everyone enjoyed pizza and ice cream for dinner, an after-hour tour of the school yard 鈥 including a visit to… Read more

    Year 3 Camp: School Sleepover
  • Ramadan Countdown

    15 March 2023

    How many days are left until Ramadan starts? Just ask your children! We have started a Ramadan countdown during our Primary morning assemblies. We have a wonderful large poster on display where we tear off a page each morning to show how many days we have left until the blessed month of Ramadan commences. The children have been very… Read more

    Ramadan Countdown
  • Primary Captain 2023 Announced

    15 March 2023

    The 麻豆传媒 Student Representative Council SRC are excited to welcome our newly announced Year 6 Primary Captains 2023 as part of their team: Congratulations to Sakeena Makbool and Ibraheem Mohsin from Year 6 as Primary Captains. After a rigorous selection process, Sakeena and Ibraheem have been chosen for their outstanding leadership… Read more

    Primary Captain 2023 Announced
  • Foundation Incursion: Mad about Science

    9 March 2023

    This week, our Foundation students had so much fun learning about different types of materials and what things are made of in their "Mad about Science" incursion. Our little scientists were having fun exploring and sorting materials. They learnt that there are natural materials which Allah created and man-made materials. View more photos… Read more

    Foundation Incursion: Mad about Science
  • Year 2 Excursion: Cooks Cottage

    24 February 2023

    Our Year 2 classes were able to experience history coming alive on their visit to Cooks鈥 Cottage this week. The students have been learning about Captain Cook in class as part of 鈥楲earning About the Past鈥 lessons in Humanities. The excursion was a great opportunity for them to visit the house that Captain Cook lived in. Originally located… Read more

    Year 2 Excursion: Cooks Cottage
  • Year 3 Incursion: Mrs Sargood from National Trust

    9 February 2023

    This week our Year 3 and Hifz A students enjoyed a visit from Mrs Sargood, a lovely character from the 19th century who took our students back in time. Mrs Sargood from the National Trust provided the students with a special 鈥渙lden day鈥 classroom experience right here at 麻豆传媒 College. Mrs Marian 鈥淎ustralia鈥 Sargood was a real… Read more

    Year 3 Incursion: Mrs Sargood from National Trust
  • Year 6 Farewell Graduation 2022

    16 December 2022

    The Year 2022, the first full year back after almost 2 years of COVID-19 Lockdowns, ended in a manner pleasing to Allah in that it entered happiness into the hearts of our young students. Our Year 6 students had a special completion ceremony to mark the end of their Primary journey. It was a beautiful evening that saw our Year 6 boys and… Read more

    Year 6 Farewell Graduation 2022
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